Find Your True Path with the help of a Life Coach

3 min readJan 28, 2022

Who doesn’t reach a point in their lives where some extra guidance could make a lot of difference? All of us have felt lost, de-motivated, or confused about where we are in our lives. Usually, we tend to get over it by ourselves. But sometimes, we need a helping hand. A life coach is your helping hand. They help you look at your life objectively and create a plan. Then, with counseling and activities, they help you overcome hurdles and bring that plan into actualization. This is life coaching. There are many life coaching blogs on blogging platform SOROR — The sisters Edit ( that will offer you tips on how to self-coach or explain why life coaching is for you. Here are some of the top extracts of these blogs:

What does life coaching offer you?

Life coaching focuses on a few major areas.

● Recognize, explain and make a path for what you need to achieve your goal.

● Use your mentor’s expertise to modify objectives depending on the situation at hand.

● Energize self-revelation and development.

● Sustain and bring out systems and a strategy in light of what fits best with your objectives, character, and vision.

● Encourage responsibility to expand your productivity.

Life coaching has helped people get back to their careers after illnesses or women in business startups, people who decided to change their entire careers, or those dealing with a midlife crisis.

How does life coaching work?

Most of us hate being told what to do. Life coaching builds a relationship of trust with complete stress on autonomous decision-making. It focuses on creating positive emotions that encourage rather than a brow-beating approach.

Positive emotions like hope, inspiration, encouragement, gratitude, serenity, interest, awe, etc., have proven to have a positive behavioral change.

A step-by-step approach calms the client. Emphasis is given on creating a clear and achievable goal and then envisioning a path towards realizing it. You also identify current problematic behaviors that hinder your growth and work on activities to get over these hurdles.

The focal point of training falls into three classifications that are covered. Various life coaching blogs will provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to start with a life coach.

● Mentors can work in explicit regions like deals, exchange, or show abilities.

● Mentors can address execution abilities through objective setting, observing, and responsibility.

● Develop formative abilities that target intra-personal and relational impediments experienced by a coach.

Life coaching is done in groups, individually, or through self-coaching. By far, self-coaching has proven to be less effective due to a lack of support from a coach.

While many companies and professionals opt for life coaching, it is for everyone. Especially women in business stand to benefit from life coaching if they are beginning work after a long hiatus. Ultimately the success of life coaching depends on if you have achieved the measure of happiness and completion of goals with lifelong habitual changes that you wanted to see.

