Advantages of Equal Employment Opportunites

2 min readMar 12, 2022

Adhering to a skill-first approach, equal opportunity in the hiring process paves the way for a dynamic and sustainable workplace infusing the right talent to take the front seat. Equal opportunities ensure that aptitude becomes one of the defining metrics, bringing the most innovative ideas to the table.

Gender Gap in Employment

A study claims that 53% of top Indian companies have a male to female employee ratio of 10:1 or worse, widening the gender gap in employment. Unconscious bias too adds to the sandbag women carry despite possessing the right aptitude and flair to own the position.

However, tides are shifting, with certain conglomerates advancing women-exclusive positions and programs to foster inclusion and diversity in the workplace. In an attempt to create a sustainable workforce, where the curiosity-driven minds helm the leader seat, many organizations are showing commendable work in improving the ratio of their female workforce.

Benefits that Equal Opportunites Bring

Talking about inclusion and diversity at the workplace makes us talk about their major advantages for people and the organization. Here are some major points:

Right Talent

When an establishment opens gates for equal opportunities, the right talent is what they welcome. Regardless of gender, it is the intellectual surge that an organization witnesses once it lays the plinth for a gender-neutral hiring process.

Good Team Dynamics

With both genders influencing the team, creative combustion takes place, improving the quality of interaction and cooperation among the team members.

Organizational Reputation

An organization with an unbiased work culture garners global attention for creating a sustainable and flourishing workforce. It enhances the goodwill of the company, impacting its work in both quality and quantity.

Innovation and Discovery

When a company hires the right talent, innovation and revolutionary discoveries are a byproduct. Talent has no gender. With the most competent minds gaining opportunities, it is likely to be more productive and exhibit an efficient workforce.

Flipkart recently announced women’s special leave owing to their menstruation cycles. Such initiatives are certain to boost the confidence of women, implementing the much-needed change, i.e., bridging the gender gap in employment.

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Sororedit believes in equal opportunities and is in the process of creating an ecology wearing women are together, changing the notion of ‘me too to, we too’!

